Massillon Tiger Band Boosters
The Instrumental Music Boosters of the Massillon City Schools, Inc., is a non-profit organization that exists to provide financial support and assistance for activities of the Massillon Instrumental Music Department.
Membership consists of band parents and other persons interested in promoting instrumental music in the Massillon City School District (MCSD). If your child is involved in the band program, you are already a member! There are no dues or membership fees.
Meetings are held monthly during the school year in the WHS Band Room (Door 23). Typically meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month, but please watch the calendar or Facebook for meeting announcements.
Mailing Address
Please send any correspondence, including student accounts to:
Massillon Tiger Band Boosters
P.O. Box 1063
Massillon, OH 44648
Booster officers may also be contacted through the email addresses listed. If you are unsure where to direct your inquiry, please email, and your email will be directed to the appropriate person
Band Boosters have a great time working together in supporting our kids. The boosters staff the concession stands during football games and other band events, maintain and organize the band uniforms, act as chaperones to away games/events, and provide support to the band directors. Proceeds from the concession stands and other fundraising events goes directly back into the program in the form of new instruments, new uniforms, and subsidizing the cost of band travel, among other things.
Booster officers are elected in the spring (typically May) for one-year terms, and take office on the first day of summer break.
More information about the band boosters may be found in the constitution.
Booster Officers 2024-2025
Amy Ross
Val Grisak
Katie Barber
Jen Comparda
Administrative Secretary
Sarah Arbuckle
Coordinating Secretary
Kendall Philabaum
Past Booster Representative
Heather Kohl
Alumni Representative
The offices of President, Vice President, Administrative Secretary, Coordinating Secretary, and Treasurer shall be parents/guardians of current high school band members. The Alumni Representative must be a 3 or 4 Star Tiger Swing Band alumna/alumnus. The Past Booster Representative must be a former voting member of the organization. Band Booster Officers Job Descriptions