2022 Four Star Awards

The Four Star Awards is the annual event where we take the opportunity to thank all the students who participated in the band programs, making those programs successful.  It is also a time to recognize outstanding efforts, award scholarships, and bid farewell to our Seniors. The Four Star Awards for the 2021-2022 school year were held on the evening of May 16.  This year, in addition to the awards and recognition, we bade farewell to Junior High Director James Gates and Front Rank Advisor Lauren Foster, both of whom are leaving us to pursue incredible opportunities in their fields.

Awards and Scholarships

Senior Andy Kennen closes out the evening with the Alma Mater, while Bob Wenzel watches on.
Photo courtesy Rachel Kennen.

In addition to First, Second, Third, and Four-Year Awards, presented to all members who met those qualifications, the following received individual recognition, awards and/or scholarships:

Outstanding Freshman Boy: Alex Klein
Outstanding Freshman Girl: Marina Greynolds
Rookie of the Year: Hannah Teall
Outstanding Sophomore Boy: Carson Peters
Outstanding Sophomore Girl: Alexis Nelson
Outstanding Junior Boy: Tyler Styer
Outstanding Junior Girl: Caitlynn Norris
Level Check Achievement Award: Lauren Neel
Massillon Tiger Band Alumni Scholarship: Kendra Carrico, Xander Goff
Pizza Oven Scholarship: Camille Graves
Chuck “Scoop” Hess Scholarship: Grace Erichsen
Dave Voshall Legacy Award: Grace Kanipe, Lauren Neel, Ezra Teall
George “Red” Bird Scholarship: Andrew Kennen
Amanda J. Cunningham Memorial Scholarship: Lauren Neel, Ezra Teall
Senior Dedication and Service Award: Lexie Norris
Outstanding Senior Award: Andrew Kennen, Lauren Neel
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award: Grace Erichsen
John Philip Sousa Band Award: Ezra Teall
Swingster Award: Ezra Teall
Distinguished Service Award: Bob Wenzel

Class of 2022

Congratulations to all the Seniors who make up the WHS Instrumental Music Program’s Class of 2022:

Paige Ackerman
Karsen Bratton
Aonya Burns
Kendra Carrico
Matt Comparda
Alice Coughlin
Samantha Elbert
Sabrina Ellenbruch
Grace Erichsen
Kaid Gardiner
Reonna Gober
Xander Goff

Tenyson Graber
Camille Graves
Kaylee Haddad
Molly Hodge
Aidan Hookey
Cailynn House
Isaac Hunsicker
Brandon Johnson
Sam Johnson
Aaron Joy
Grace Kanipe
Andrew Kennen

Joseph Kerstetter
Nathan Luke
Kiley Mason
Madison McAnany
Lauren Neel
Autumn Nickels
Lexie Norris
Alexis Smith
Joshua Stoltz, Jr
Ezra Teall
Patrick Turner