May 2019 Band Events
There are so many events on the Instrumental Music Calendar for May 2019, that we had to start in April!
OMEA Large Group State Contest – Symphonic Band & Wind Orchestra
Saturday, April 27
GlenOak High School – Canton
The WHS Symphonic Band and WHS Wind Orchestra will compete in the OMEA Large Group State Contest. Contest is free and open to the public. No recording devices of any kind.
Performance times:
Symphonic Band – 11:00am
Wind Orchestra – 12:55pm
Junior High Band Concert
Wednesday, May 1 @ 7:00pm
Massillon Junior High School Auditeria
The annual spring concert by the 7th Grade Band and the 8th Grade Band. Following the concert will be a meeting for all incoming freshmen band students and their parents. Free and open to the public.
WHS Symphonic & Freshmen Band Concert
Thursday, May 9 @ 7:00pm
Washington High School Auditorium
The WHS Symphonic Band and the WHS Freshmen Band will perform their Spring Concert. Free and open to the public.
OMEA Large Group Contest – Junior High & Freshmen
Saturday, May 11
Hoover High School – North Canton
The 7th and 8th Grade Bands from MJHS and the WHS Freshmen Band will compete in the OMEA Large Group Contest. Contest is free and open to the public. No recording devices of any kind.
Performance times:
Freshmen Band – 9:30am
8th Grade Band – 10:30am
7th Grade Band – 11:30am
Intermediate School Band Concert
Wednesday, May 15 @ 7:00pm
Massillon Intermediate School Auditeria
The Spring Concert performance from the 5th Grade Band and the 6th Grade Band. Free and open to the public.
Wind Orchestra Showcase
Thursday, May 16 @ 7:00pm
Washington High School Auditorium
The WHS Wind Orchestra will perform their annual showcase concert. Free and open to the public.
4 Star Awards
Monday, May 20 @ 6:30pm
Washington High School Auditorium
The annual celebration of the outstanding work of all the WHS Instrumental Music students this year. A reception follows in the cafeteria. Open to all high school band students and their families.
Thursday, May 23 @ 6:00pm
Washington High School Cafeteria
Performance from the Massillon Junior High Jazz Band and the Washington High School Jazz Orchestra. Hot dogs and snacks provided by the boosters. Free and open to the public.
Massillon Memorial Day Parade
Monday, May 27 @ 9:30am
Downtown Massillon
The Memorial Day parade is the final opportunity to see the 2018 Edition of The Massillon Tiger Swing Band, and is the last time this year’s seniors perform as part of the band. The parade will head down Lincoln Way from Eighth Street NE to Erie Street S, ending on Tremont Street SW. The Memorial Day Ceremony will be held at the Veteran’s Memorial at the corner of First and Tremont Streets SE.
WHS Graduation
Tuesday, May 28 @ 6:00pm
Paul Brown Tiger Stadium
The Freshmen Band will be providing the processional and recessional music as we bid farewell to the Class of 2019 and wish them the best of luck on their future pursuits, musical and otherwise. Graduation seating is by invitation only.
Please join us for any and all of these performances as we close out the 2018-2019 school year!!